Academic Guidelines 結業須知

• Junior Year 第一年

Students in the junior program of the V & P Institute, with the completion of 36 units of courses in the required subject areas will receive a Bible Institute Certificate. 學生在第一年結業, 若修完36個必修科學分, 將可以得到一張學院所發的結業證明書.

• Senior Year 第二年

Students in the senior program of the V & P Institute, with the completion of 75 units of courses in the required subject areas will receive the Bible Institute Diploma. 學生在第二年結業, 共必須修完75個必修科學分, 才可以得到學院所發的畢業文憑.

• Ministerial Training Year 第三年傳道訓練課程

Students in the ministerial training program of the V & P Institute, with the completion of 45 units of courses in the required subject areas, will receive the Ministerial Diploma and may apply for licensing. 學生在第三年傳道訓練課程結業時, 必須另修完45個必修科學分, 才可以得到學院傳道結訓畢業文憑. 此後, 可以申請福音工場或宣教團體的服事. 若被接受, 可以發給傳道人執照.


Please fill out and send the application form for admission as well as the following information to Institute Registry and then wait for arrangement of interview date: 請填妥入學申請表格,以及附上以下三種資料,郵寄到學校註冊組,等候安排面試時間、方式,與時間。

(1)personal tithe record in past three years 三年內十一奉獻資料

(2)three letters of recommendation 有關個人的三封推薦函

(3)testimony of your calling from the Lord.個人蒙召的心路歷程

After verifying all the information as well as the result of an interview relevant for admission to Ministerial Class, this institute reserves the right for the final decision of enrollment. 學校審核一切資料,以及口試結果,有關傳道班學生入學,本學院有權決定錄取與否。

Graduation Requirements 結業的條件

1. Satisfactory completion of all required courses 必須修完所有必修課程, 各科成績必須及格(60分以上)

2. Satisfactory completion of all practical training programs 必須完成所有學校規定的實習操練課程, 總平均分數必須及 格(60分以上)

3. Completion of all assignments, tests, essays, and field works 必須完成學校指派的功課, 報告, 考試, 禾場的配搭服事...等

4. All student should maintain a teachable heart for all the programs 全年學習過程, 學生必須有受教的心, 符合學院的學習要求

5. Complete payment of all tuition and fees 繳清所有學雜費用

• Exams 考試

Each course may have a final exam on the last day of the class, or a written paper to be turned in, or variable assignment to be present on the date designated by the Institute. Late exams or late assignments will be reschedule before the test with the Instructor or the Institute office. Failure to do so results in “0” for the exam missed. 每一學科, 按照該科老師的規定, 都會有各種不同的考試, 交報告, 口頭面試或是期末考試. 若是學生不能如期參加考試或繳交報告, 必須事先與學校或老師商量改期, 否則該科零分計算.

• Grading System 計分標準

• Faculty 師資

The faculty at V & P Institute of Biblical and Spiritual Training consists of a group of ministers who have strong and proven ministries, and have experienced God’s presence and power in their lives. Students will learn from their instructors who have special gifts and anointing in the specific areas. 凱歌全備聖經學院的老師, 都是在禾場上印證過的工人, 他們經歷過神的同在與能力. 他們所教導的科目, 都是經過神特別啟示與膏抹的範圍.


• Application for Admission 入學申請

Please fill out the application form of admission, guardian consent form(if the applicant is under 18 years old), and pay all fees in full: including tuition, registration fee, audio tapes, teaching materials(books) fees, and shipping fee. Send all completed information to the Institute Registry. 請填妥入學申請表,以及監護人同意書(年紀在十八歲以下者),每項申請表格的項目,必須據實填寫;並且編繳 足所有的學分費,註冊費,錄音帶與全部教學材料費(書籍),與運費(只限函授生),應將這些資料全部郵寄到學院 註冊組,即可。

• Registration 註冊

A one-time registration fee of NT500 must be paid before students can begin classes. This is a one-time fee for new students. This is also required for all correspondence students. 註冊費500元 是一次付的費用. 所有新生, 不論是在校生或函授生, 都要付此註冊費(每學年).

• Other Fee for student 學生每學期的雜費

Mailing and shipping fee for correspondence students only. (price various, please ask office) 郵寄費用價目不定, 請詢問學校郵寄組, 函授生須付此費用.

• 課程時間與學分

1學分約為 10個教學時數. 1 unit: approx. 10 teaching hours

2學分約為20個教學時數. 2 units: approx. 20 teaching hours

3學分約為30個教學時數. 3 units: approx. 30 teaching hours

• Tuition for full time student:全修生學費

1.The first and second year NT$800 per unit: 1th & 2th 年每學分800元

2.The third year NT$1500 per unit : 第三年傳到班,每學分1500元

3.The special part student admission to ministerial program: The 3rd year, if you are part time student(1&2year) have been accepted to ministerial program, please double your price for the tuition 。

4.第三年特殊傳道班(甄選通過的選修生): 每學分3000元.(可以不必修全前三年課程,但必須修完前二年一半課程)

5.The four year NT$1950 for ministerial student: 傳道生每學分1950元

The four year NT$4500 for other student: 非傳道生每學分4500元

※Charge per unit for Each Year 每學年的學分收費

1. Full-time unit student 全時間學分學生(全修12學分者)

1st & 2nd year(第一、二年)---每學分 800元 (全修生)

3rd year 傳道班(第三年) --- 每學分 1500元(只收全修生)

2. 團隊恩賜訓練 (第四年) --- 每學分 1950元 (傳道班學生)

3. 團隊恩賜訓練 (第四年) --- 每學分 2700元 (非傳道班學生)

4. Part-time unit student 部分時間學分學生

修1~ 3 學分---每學分 NT1650元

修4~ 7 學分---每學分 NT1350元

5. 修8~ 11 學分---每學分 NT1200元

6. Audit student 旁聽生 每學分一律 NT1200元


修完前兩年的75個必修科學分後, 才可以申請進入第三年傳道訓練課程。第三年傳道訓練必須重新申請(校方須審核申請人有關資料及面談), 本院有權決定錄取與否。若錄取, 必須重新註冊。凡在本院三年結業, 美國Chesapeake Bible College 承認我們的學分, 外加學生曾在教會服事的經歷(或從前大學學科任何學分), 凡合乎資格者, 該校可以授予B.C.M. 學位, 即「基督徒傳道學士學位」。受頒學位者須繳予該校38400元(包括畢業典禮、畢業袍、畢業證書、晚宴、入檔等費用)。本校畢業生可在該神學院或其他神學院繼續修讀碩士及博士學位。

• 付款手續:註冊費和單獨選修學分(包括函授學校)費用, 在註冊時一次繳清. 全時間在校生可以先付一半; 另一半費用必須在開學後第四個星期第一堂課前繳清. 函授學生之學費、報名費和郵寄費, 必須一次繳清.

• The 3rd year, if you are part time student have been accepted ministerial program please double your price for the tuition. 選修若被許可進入第三年傳道班,須付雙倍學分費(傳道班必須全修)

• Refund Policy 退款手續(只限在校生)

Cancellation within the 1st week 50% of Tuition

開學後一星期內取消 退款五成

• There Will Be No Refund for the correspondence's student 函授生不退費

• There Will Be No Refund for the Registration Fee 註冊費一概不退

Student Code of Conduct 學生守則

• Attendance 出席率

Students are expected to attend all the classes, which they enroll. Unexcused absence for more than 30% in one course will result in forfeiture of all units for the course. An exception to the rule may be made if the absence is due to acceptable reasons, and if the student is able to satisfy the requirements for that course (e.g. by completing additional assignments and/or field work). 學生應該出席每一堂所選的課程. 缺席次數若是超過30%的學習天數, 必須出具證明或有正當理由, 否則此科目就必須重修. 若是有任何特殊情況, 學校可以考慮用其它方法甄試, 譬如: 學生可以完成其它額外的功課、報告等, 或是在禾場上實際操練學習, 來補足無法出席的缺失).

1、Discipline 紀律方面(影響校譽者,將勒令退學)

Any student who violates the school's "Honor System" will be removed from the learning courses as well as any relevant group team ministry's training and practice opportunities. 學生若有違反學校的個人學習榮譽制度,我們將拒絕妳繼續本校的學習課程,以及任何有關我們的團隊,服事的任何訓練和實習機會。

During the learning process, the students must be teachable, and have the right attitude. Personal discipline is also essential. 在學習的過程中學生應該時時約束自己. 並且,有受教的心和態度是很重要的.

Students are expected to show proper respect and consideration to the pastors, teachers and administrators. 學生必須尊重學校的牧師們, 教師們, 和校方所有行政人員.

2、Classroom Visitation 課室拜訪

Please do not bring any non-registered student coming to the classroom to attend the class (including visitors,children and relatives) 請勿逕自攜帶任何非本校註冊的學生,來課室上課,(幼兒,訪客)

3、Course Material 教學材料(版權所有,不得翻印或外借)

All of our course materials(correspondence course), including audio tapes and literature are registered property of the Institute and may not be used, photocopied, recorded, reused, or redistributed without permission to non-registered students for use (including listening & reading). This is an action against the law. 我們所有的課程(函授課程),包括錄音帶與文字資料,本院都擁有版權;學生未經許可不得逕自翻錄給非註冊學生上課(包括聽與看),這是違反校規的。

• Assignments 課業

按照所選修的科目,學生會有不同的功課,可能是寫報告、課堂考試、問答題、選擇題,或是實際禾場上的操練、地方 教會的活動等等方式。

• Student record 學生成績單

Permanent records of all graduates and current records of all students are kept on file in the school office. All information is confidential and can only be given out with written request from students. Copies of transcripts may be obtained through written request from: Victory & Praise Institute of Biblical and Spiritual Training Attn: Student Records 1710 Concord Court, Blue Bell, PA.19422 USA 所有畢業生和在校生的成績單, 校方將永久保留. 所有的資料都是保密的. 若無學生本人書面許可, 校方不予受理. 學生可以親自寫信來學校索取成績單副本, 請寄到: 凱歌全備聖經學院 Attn: 成績單索取 1710 Concord Court, Blue Bell, PA.19422 USA