
這是末世收割的季節,聖靈在普世大大作工。神的禾場有許多呼求:「急需裝備妥當的男女工人。」尤其是中國普世 的宣教,更迫切需要全備福音工人,帶出神的大能,在末世為主打勝仗。我們接受神的託付,建立一所「以基督為中 心」的訓練學校,裝備一批合神心意的基督精兵。 我鼓勵您,拿出信心,接受裝備,走入神大能旨意的禾場,對那 些已在道上的同工,我盼望您再接受裝備,帶出神的權能,重新衝刺,完成神的呼召。 透過神的恩典和膏抹,我們差派那些完成裝備的工人,去到普世中國人的禾場,有效地作末世收割的工作。 我們學 校的訓練課 程是創新的,平衡和實際有效的,是末世基督裡大有能力的訓練場所。

當您讀完我們的簡介,請向神禱 告,是否感動您參加我們的訓練課程,或是,將來加入我們的事奉與宣教行列。

A Word from Our President Rev. Esther Tang The end-time harvest has arrived. The Holy Spirit is working mightily around the world. There is a cry and an urgent need for qualified servants and maids of God (II Timothy 2:15) educated and trained in the work of ministry, especially in our Chinese mission field. Urgently, we need powerful workers that have been trained both in the Word and Spirit, to win the battle for our Lord. We are taking the Lord’s commission to rise up and establish a Christ-Center Bible School to train and to form the Chinese Christian army. I challenge you to begin your training for the ministry with an unshakable confidence in God’s ability to sustain you. To those who would like to continue their education while in the ministry, I encourage you to take the training so the spiritual enrichment will enable you to fulfill God’s calling in your life. With God’s grace and anointing, we plan to train and to send forth Christian workers who are anointed by the Holy Spirit to the mission field, so the reaping of the end-time harvest can be done more effectively. Our institute provides an unique and innovative training. It is a powerful Channel of the Lord in the last day. When you are reviewing this catalog, please pray and seek God’s direction if He is leading you to study in our institute, or maybe join our team in the future.

目標 (Purpose):

我們的課程設計,乃是為了要幫助學生更深認識神的話語,在靈裡與主建立美好的關係,進而明白神在個人生命中的 旨意與計畫,使其能在基督的肢體中找對位置,進入有效的事奉。課程在教導和訓練上,事針對教會與宣教的需要。 期盼本院能成為神手中的工具,栽培宣教和教會所需要的全備福音工人,使其完成神給他們的使命。

功能 (Function):







並安排工人的再教育、療傷、 復健,以及工人按立...等事宜。

運作 (Operation):

我們的訓練學院、地方教會、宣教機構,是回應神的旨意,整體配搭的三各部門。雖然各自獨立運作,在異象配搭上 卻是相輔相成。我們的運作是建立在使徒與先知的根基。(弗4:11-12),其一有牧師(地方教會),其二有教師 (訓練學校),其三有傳福音的(宣教中心)。整體運作是根據這五種職事的配搭事奉。


唐忠秋牧師(Rev. Chung Tang):


黃思義博士牧師(Pastor Dr. Frank Hwang):


高讚恩博士牧師(Pastor Dr. Daniel Ko):

凱歌宣教中心主任牧師,擅長教導聖經真理,帶人從其中經歷神。他的教導透出真理的亮光與趣味,其深入淺 出的教導,使人受益無窮。

韋恩.韓覺生博士(Dr. Wayne Hendrickson):

美國Chesapeake神學博士,有使徒呼召,擅長訓練神學院師資與宣教工人。曾為數間神學院設計課程,又在 巴拿馬,蘇聯以及歐、非等洲宣教與植堂。

黛安娜.詹肯生博士(Dr. Diana Hendrickson):

美國Chesapeake神學博士,擅長訓練神學院師資與宣教工人。曾為數間神學院設計課程,常被邀請至各界婦 女聚會講道。

馬信.喬恩博士(Dr. Maxine Joauen):

East Baptist神學博士,主修輔導與牧養,是費城北部衛理公會主任牧師,在心理輔導與家庭諮詢方面做過許 多個案,是資深的牧養輔導傳道人。

蒎忒.維休博士(Dr. Pat Wishoet):


珍妮斯.卡克(Rev. Jannice Clark):

北卡神召會畢業,是Pentecostal Tebernacle主任先知(voice of house)有先知預言,讚美敬拜的恩賜,曾經 數次被提,在神寶座前受教,亦有先知講道的恩賜。

羅伯.潘摩牧師(Pastor Robert Palmer):


黃淑靖牧師(Pastor Su Gen Huang):

台灣安提阿神學院院長,安提阿教會主任牧師。國際神學院畢業。擅長教導,熱衷於基督教教育,對國度人才 有異象,負擔與實際經歷。

米洛蒂.休頓牧師(Pastor Melody Hilton):

Rhea聖經學院畢業,隸屬Christian International,她擅長預言和內在醫治,常在全美各婦女團體、公立學 校、退修會和各地電台講道。

迪耳.邁司牧師(Pastor Dale Mast):

Jared Christian Center 主任牧師,C.I.中東部負責人,先知講道和教導恩賜,擅長組織訓練團隊,是使徒和 佈道家,有許多植堂經驗,先知的膏抹很強。

麥可.林牧師(Rev. Mickle Lane):

猶太後裔,擅長真理教導與史實考證。在猶太人當中服事,對節期與讚美敬拜之間的真理頗有研究,有牧養與 讚美敬拜的恩膏。

迪克.哈維博士(Dr. Dick Howett):


詹姆士.哥林牧師(Rev. James Collins):




1、 Make Gospel personal, preach Gospel ministry in groups, and minister to other church members to complete God's will of church.有能力作個人福音,和團隊福音佈道服事;並且在教會中與眾肢體搭配,完成神在教會的旨意。

2、 Know the ministry of God's power with the truth of five folds ministry, and distinguish God's process on every ministry during all fields.認識全能服事,與五重執事的真理,並且能識別神的流程在各個服事工作的運作。。

3、 Have group team spirit in all ministries, obey God and spiritual authority, and carry out the ministries which fellow God's will.能夠在各種層面的服事中,有團隊精神;能夠順服神、屬靈的權柄,帶出合神旨意的服事。

4、 Know how to communicate with God, walk with Him, and desire the revelation of The Holy Spirit, instructs and disciplines.知道如何與神交通,同行,要能接受聖靈的啟示,教導與管教。

5、 Know the importance of spiritual deposit and actually establish the individual's spiritual capacity, unceasingly learn to put death of carnal and flesh spiritually, and transform oneself to a new life. 知道屬靈儲蓄的重要,並且實際去建立工人屬靈的內涵,學習靈裡不斷的治死,使得生命更新而變化。

6、 How to fulfill God's calling, while standing on the field, Position to Which he has been called and practice, operate his gifts and anointing.學習如何在主的呼召,旨意,與帶領中,站在神呼召的旨意中、操練、運作他們的恩賜恩膏。

7、 Understand the individual nature of his calling, because not every person has the same calling from God or can fulfill same ministry.應該了解服事的個別性質,不是每一個人都會有同樣的呼召,可以做同樣的服事。

• Correspondence School (by Audio Tapes) 函授學校

Correspondence school gives students the opportunity to attend our institute off-campus, which provides them with the flexibility in scheduling their own class/study time. A catalogue listing courses and tape prices are available in the administra -tive office. 本學院函授課程給學生機會在家裡學習. 他們可 以有自由的選課, 有彈性的學習時間表.有關函授學校之報名 、課程錄音帶目錄及訂購和郵寄費用請查詢: 電話:04-23019953、傳真:04-23017096。寫信請寄到: 凱歌函授學校 台中市忠明南路303號9樓之1。 。

• Age 入學年齡:

Any student who is 18 years or older may attend V & P Instit -ute. Younger students who are interested in attending must obtain written approval from guardians, or a reference from the pastor. 任何人大於18歲者都可以入學本院. 不滿18歲有興趣入 學者, 必須得到監護人同意書或是牧師的推薦函, 才可申請 .

• Student Life 學生生活

Our students enjoy fellowship with other believers as they study the Word of God together. Students need to pray, to glorify God through praise and worship, and to share testimonies of God’s power working in their own life as they minister to others. 本院學生在學習神話語時應該和其他信徒有美好的交通. 常 在禱告和讚美敬拜中, 個人經歷神大能的見證裡, 能夠彼此 建立造就, 榮神益人.

• Curriculum 課程

Our curriculum is designed to give students an inclusive, practical knowledge of the Word of God. Our courses not only instill the Word of God in our students, but the courses also teach applications of Scriptural principles to all areas of their lives. The curriculum for the third year has been designed to prepare students who are called into full-time ministry with practical, applicable knowledge. 本院課程是朝全面裝備路線的設計. 除了神話語之外, 再加上實際生活真理的應用. 不只是字句的教導, 也針對人生多層面的問題, 用聖經的原則找答案. 第三年是專為清楚神呼召, 要成為全時間工人所設計的. 是實際禾場上必須的裝備課程.


• There is only One God, Who revealed Himself as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit 只有一位真神,是聖父、聖子、聖靈,三一的神(太12:19; 約5:6-8)

• The Bible is the Word of God 聖經是神口中說出的話

1. Inspired by God 神自己所啟示的(提後3:15-17)

2. Infallible 是完全無誤的

3. Authoritative, Living, Active, Revelatory(Heb.4:12;John7:7) 啟示出神的旨意,是大有權能的,是活潑生命之道(希4:12; 約7:7)

• The Revelation of Jesus Christ as the Son of God 耶穌基督是

1. The absolute perfect Deity and perfect humanity. 完全的神, 完全的人 (約 3:18; 1:1-4 ; 可2:28).

2. His Virgin birth (John 3:16). 從童女而生(約3:16).

3. His sinless life (1 Peter 2:22). 無罪的 (彼前2:22).

4. His pre-existence (Exodus 3:14). 自有永有的 (出3:14).

5. His atonement 為世人死, 獻上贖罪祭 (林前15:3-4).

6. His miracle (Acts 10:38). 行神蹟奇事的神 (使10:38).

7. His bodily resurrection (Eph.1: 20). 從死裡復活 (弗1:20).

8. His personal return in power and glory (1Thes. 4:13-18). 將帶著大能榮耀的再來 (帖前4:13-18).

9. His ascension to the right hand of the father (Eph.1: 20). 如今坐在父神的右邊 (弗1:20).

10. His millennial reign 永遠的君王 (啟19:11-16; 20:1-7)

• The reception of salvation of man 人得拯救是

1. The blood of Jesus Christ, grace through faith, the belief that Jesus was raised from the dead, and the confession that Jesus Christ is the Lord (Rome 3:21-22). 我們因為相信耶穌基督所流的寶血, 心裡信祂從死裡復活, 口中承認基督是我的救贖主, 我們就可以得救.

2. Water baptism, an ordinance of the church, is a public declaration of new life by announcing one has died with Jesus and has also been raised with Him in resurrection power. 浸禮是預表我們在世界上與基督一同埋葬, 並且將來與祂一同復活, 以致我們的生活有神新生命的能力.

• The Lord’s supper, an ordinance of the church, symbolizing the broken body and the shed blood of Jesus Christ as the New Covenant between God and men. 領受聖餐是一個預表, 耶穌基督為我們捨了生命, 如今在新約裡, 成為神與人之間的中保.

• The ministry of the Holy Spirit is essential for a Christian to live in God and to witness effectively. 聖靈的工作對一個基督徒的生活和見證是非常重要的.

• There are five fold of ministries within a church; apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. We recognize our responsibility to acknowledge those gifts and to assist in equipping of saints to fulfill their ministries. 教會有成就五種職事的責任; 那是---使徒, 先知, 牧師, 教師和傳福音的. 我們接受這個真理, 並且有負擔去幫助, 裝備信徒去完成神給他們的使命.

• The atonement of Jesus and His resurrection, have provided us with authorities to proclaim deliverance from sickness and mental torments. (Mark 16:18; John 5:6-14; 1Peter 2:24; Col. 1:3; Eph. 1:20-21; Isa. 52:4). 因為耶穌的復活和救贖的大能, 可以使我們在身體疾病和精神上蒙保守, 得恩典, 這是每個信徒的權力. (可16:18; 約5:6-14; 彼前2:24; 西1:3; 弗1:20-21; 賽52:4).

• The Word of God has promised us complete prosperity : Spiritually (John 3:3,11); Mentally (2Tim. 1:7); Physically (Isa. 53:4-5); Financially (3John 2) and socially (Pro. 3:4). 信徒可以在靈性上(約3:3,11), 精神上(提後1:7), 身體上(賽53:4-5), 財物上(約參2; 瑪3:10-11), 和生活中(箴3:4) 從神得著昌盛.

• Women in ministry : There is no scriptural prohibition regarding women ministering in the churches. Women are part of the body of Christ. According to the grace that is given to body of Christ, there is only difference in gifts, not genders. 婦女參加服事: 在聖經中沒有經文禁止女人在教會服事. 女人也是基督身體的一部分. 不論是男性或是女性, 只有恩賜的不同, 因為恩賜是神按祂自己的恩典賜給每一個人的.